Monday, September 21, 2009

Lazy Day

Hi all,
The boys managed to pretty much amuse themselves today, along with the help by one of their cousins (who's pretty much right between them in age) - with a minimum tussling. So I spent a good amount of time being able to relax with the adults or just read. But I have a little funny observation that I've made.

In Which I Abuse My Power
HM noted to me the other day that K has started to pick up on my mannerisms, speech wise. I didn't realize the extent until we were in the middle of playing UNO and I slapped down a draw 4 wild. "Oh dear..." he sighed. Which, I suppose it's a good thing that I don't have a problem with swearing, because I'm sure HM and HD would find that far less endearing. However, I decided to have a little fun. Midway through an intense game, I softly sang "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" and three seconds later K (with absolutely no indication that he'd been paying attention...rapt on his current play) parroted " like meeee". Power is a dangerous thing, my friends...
Anyhow, hope your Monday was nice as well...


Lois Templin said...

Steph, I'm catching up on your adventures this morning. Great fun and wonderful photos..especially the photo of the bridge yesterday. When I get your snail mail address I'll write. Meanwhile blog away! Kris

sandi said...

Steph - you totally crack me up. I can just hear you saying Oh,dear.... Next time, try UFF DAH!! :) Miss you and jewelry class.

Steph said...

Sandi -
Then I can tell their father I'm teaching them some Norwegian! It would be pretty adorable though. I just got a desk set up, and I plan on doing some maille work. However, the rings are ridiculously tiny (D20 size at and I may have bitten off more than I can do! Luckily I have my pliers! I miss the Library...sad to say!