Thursday, October 14, 2010

I'm Going Home

Hi all,

I can't tell you why I haven't been blogging. It's a combination, I think, of many factors. The need to put myself out there in order to vent has diminished as my familiarity has waxed on village life. I have a better support system now. The house is no longer complete chaos. It's still hard, but you adjust. Also, things aren't new, and so the wonder it takes to inspire me is harder to find. Not that I don't find a lot of joy in the day-to-day things, but I think that would probably bore you all. The trees do look as though they've caught on fire here, the oranges and scarlets are a true wonder to behold. Breathtaking.

I've been busy hounding Wisp to finish altering my darn dress. But it's finished, packed up as neatly as possible in my carry-on and as good as it'll get. I finished the jewelry last weekend. The earrings are super cute, and after the wedding I'll upload some pictures.

I've been busy learning a lot too. We had our first full day of "Seminar" which was a writing workshop. It was weird to have that semi-school feeling again. It was nice, but too long for sitting. Not used to it since high school! We've also been having care courses on Wednesday evenings, which are pretty much a "better late than never" sort of thing for me and Schmee. But it's with the seminar group, and I've been enjoying them as well. There's so many aspects of life here that I've noticed, but not had explained to me.

Anyhow, I need to go to bed now...up early for the plane tomorrow!!!
Hope all is well,

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