Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wrapped Up in My Own Little World

Hi all,

Don't feel bad if you feel as though I don't have time for you anymore - I don't have time for myself either! Today was incredibly hectic, but I suppose productive as well. I had to go to a gathering (that will be singing in the weeks to come) at 8, which knocked out my morning rest time. We played games, and minus one good slip and flattened-on-the-floor moment, it went pretty well. You could tell the purpose was to unify. We played a reverse game of "Never, never have I ever", and at the end, I asked "Step into the middle if you've been feeling homesick". While I'm excited to go home and see people, I wouldn't consider myself to be. It was surprising (well, not so much as the Germans have been here a shorter period) that only an American and some of the South Koreans and a Japanese person stepped into the middle.

At any rate, then I went and helped set up a bank account with Carl, and went to work for a while. My old workmaster has very graciously offered to help out on Tuesday mornings so we can get the deliveries in while the trainings are happening in the next 3/2 weeks. Anyhow, before the truck came I did have to go in for renewing my CPR test. While it took about 3 hours total for my first aid/CPR class last time, this time it took at least that long for the CPR. But it's always good to get a refresher. We did the choking maneuver as well, and of course I got partnered with a giant. I could barely (with much struggling and blanket sliding) get him turned over!

I had about an hour for lunch and resting, although the house was out for cafe lunch (oh yeah, I got the money prepared for that too...) and so I made myself a cheese/tomato omelet. Not too bad. But not really much time to relax. I'd had to call houses to tell people to come later (although one didn't pass on the message...sigh, cranky villager...), and was contemplating leaving a few minutes early to post a sign when I got put on band aid duty for Beau. Poor man keeps sanding his fingers - but refuses to wear gloves and does it so sporadically that it never becomes a real issue.

I went and worked on getting the 1000 pounds of dry goods (and the rest of the order) into the storage room at the co-op when I got back at about 3:30. We got it all in eventually and I got things priced and mostly put away (although just the fridge and freezer and a few things we were totally out of) by 5:30 - just in time to do meds for dinner.

Although Calvin is finally a medicine giver, and he's a great and enthusiastic help.

We were supposed to have a learning agreement meeting with the house and a neighbor housemother, but we are all simply too exhausted to do it tonight. So we'll try again for Thursday.

Yesterday I had a play rehearsal for the Michaelmas play (yes, I don't know either...google it for Pete's sake) and it was really hot - I was sweating the the sweater that I'd needed in the morning. And then it poured in the afternoon = welcome Fall! Anyhow, Monday was certainly less busy with me getting a lot of ordering and billing/paperwork accomplished now that we have several co-workers. It seems like it will be a totally viable work situation - although I had trouble with one of the villagers in the afternoon, who got into a bit of a snit. But we all have our off days, and many tradeoffs with our various personalities.

Sunday was (see, I'm going backwards here!) pretty calm. I was up surprising early and after some laundry I went and hung out with Lana. I'm a little sheepish that I've never mentioned her in my blog by "name" before, but we're seeming to bond together a bit more now that most of the people we've known (she came in February) have gone. We had tea and I made a cheesecake for D'Artagnan - whose birthday was on Monday. (They've both moved houses and now Lana is living in Bean's old room. Kind of weird...)

I talked to Bean recently and it's weird that she actually has a life now. Y'know as much as a life one can have while living with parents. But it's just a phase and she has plans beyond it, so that's pretty cool. I admire that she's really putting herself out there and plans to go abroad to teach English.

Anyhow, Sunday afternoon I took a group of the new Germans (6, to be precise) to Hudson. They all had their cameras, and I'm afraid it was a tad bit disappointing for them. We walked the downtown area and then did the ever-needful Wal-Mart run and then had dinner. We had to be back in time for a 7:30 meeting (on my day off = crankiness!) for a skit thingy and presentation of the classes.

And that's been that last few days...
Hope all is well,

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