Friday, May 14, 2010

Ready for Tomorrow

Hi all,

So, the whole 90% chance of rain thing kind of happened. I was awoken at about 1 am with a smattering of raindrops. Even though I had a decent canopy over me, I decided to truck inside...just in case it decided to downpour. Then I slept like a rock until it was time to go down and make pancakes...

Morning work whizzed by and I had the "Swedish Meatballs" (white sauce...) done by about 12:10. Flo showed up to claim what was left of his cake (about 1/4) and we proceeded to his house, with him eating as we went. Numerous cars slowed down, and one even beckoned us over. Cake is a pretty big deal - especially since numerous people are on low-sugar diets. It was pretty hilarious to watch the reactions, although everyone respects the sanctity of birthday cake around here!

Lunch was actually very nice - the least stressful of any so far. Although apparently I caused a heated moment when speaking with the British exchange villager - who was proudly claiming Scottish as the oldest language on earth. Ancient Sumerian does not count, apparently. Plus, their house has the only dog in the village, a sweetie who loves to be pet. We went into Cupcake and Flo bought me an icecream cone to celebrate, yum.

After I got home, I was greeted by Sunny. Well. Kind of. She'd actually fallen asleep (face-first, with a pillow over her head) on the couch in the living room. She said she had something for me, and then proudly presented me with our last male co-worker's bank statement that had arrived in the mail. Then she gave me 2 cards, presumably one for me and Sam. Although it's impossible to read her handwriting...and she'd written everywhere. About 25 hugs later, I was able to extricate myself and get everyone out the door for afternoon work/seminar. I was also super-excited to find a card and two (yes, count 'em...2!) packages for tomorrow! YAY!

Afternoon work We had a lot of fun, lost a chalk board to gravity and enjoyed the sunlight for a while. Afterward I got money for the cafe event together and went with the house and Maria's father. The food was actually really good, chicken, fries and asparagus (plus a salad and cake...yay cake...). The music was also nice. Easy to listen to, but a little soft at times. The grumpy cafe lady gave me a hard time when I went to tell Polo someone from his house was crying, perhaps she's noticed my reservations about most cafe lunches?

Anyhow, tomorrow is all about me and I'm writing a post as such.

No one's making you read it.

: p

Hope all is well,

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