Sunday, January 24, 2010

Because, Really, Who Wouldn't Want a 3 Hour Nap?

Hi all,

Yes, I may have slept a decent portion of my day off away. I also figure that if my body is deciding to crave sleep that it can only help with conquering my cold. Much of my day was spent in my room, slowly clicking together jump rings and listening to music. I did take brunch and dinner with the house, and both were delicious.

We've started following the anthroposophical concept of "a grain a day" which has been interesting. Thursday, the day I missed making lunch, was rye. The house mom was innovative enough to come up with "beef loaf", which was just like meat loaf but had quite a bit more texture. I found it to be delicious. At any rate, this brings up two points: finding things to make with these grains, and then getting them done!

As I work in the co-op, I get a pretty broad spectrum of people from the village coming through. I was able to chat with someone from the admin building (and as I was sharing our trip through the grains, I discovered is apparently a common phase here...) she mentioned that she had some good cookbooks that followed the concept. They're in German, of course...Although that really shouldn't be a huge issue for me and actually a very good way to get some practice in. I don't really feel as though I know any of the Germans well enough to ask/know if anyone would like a tandem partner yet. Anyhow...I have to go and pick that up on Tuesday after work...

Secondly, I realized today that tomorrow is rice, and so the best day to do Lamb Korma. (YUM!). I also realized that 1, my recipe is actually on the family computer at home and 2, there will have to be an early co-op run done tomorrow! I have the meat defrosting on the counter, and so this should be very interesting - as I've only done chicken korma before. Honestly, the chicken cooks during the 25-40 minute boiling process, so I'm not anticipating any difficulty on that point. Hacking the raw shoulder into pieces could be much more interesting...

On a completely different note, I did notice that one of the packages was accidentally labeled "Lama" instead of lamb. I'm assuming it was an accident...

Hope all is well,

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