Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Home Alone...Plus 4

Hi all,

Well, plus 18 if you count the cats and the chickens, but they won't help much if the house burns down. (I thank a co-worker next door who suggested this possibility.) As of 8 AM tomorrow I will officially be holding down the fort. It's ok though, I mean, I've been here a whole 2 months...what could possibly go wrong? Yep.

Anyhow, I've decided that having a blog is a lot like having a boyfriend. Not too many people actually care one way or the other. Additionally, you end up saving up the funny little tidbits of your day, so that you can impress them with your wit and charm. Or just because you think they would/should d be interested. Or the former.

Except some days you just don't want to talk. You only want to cuddle. You might not know this, but blogs are notoriously bad cuddlers.

At any rate, there aren't any fascinating tidbits today. I made granola since the bakery didn't last week (and there's absolutely NO WAY that I'm eating more oatmeal) and I'm not sure how much I like it, but I'll blame it on the recipe and quinoa. We had some good meat lasagna at the cafe and I slept like a rock during rest hour. The co-op had the order in today, and there's a temporary co-worker coming to help out. An old staff kid come home to visit and for R&R. Which is fine, because we're down 1 co-worker and 1 villager this week. We had leftovers for dinner and I learned how to lock up the hall and will be doing that starting Thursday to next Thursday.

Now, about that cuddle.

Hope all is well,

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