Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hi all,

Unfortunately (for my sanity, at any rate), work was canceled not only this morning, but this afternoon as well. This meant that everyone was home while I was trying to plan out lunch. I did have to make a co-op run, although it was slightly treacherous. Trees were cracking and losing limbs left and right. More daunting, however, was the “dumping”. The trees were reaching maximum weight and if one clump of snow managed to slip off, all the rest would immediately follow with a:


The only warning was the first little dropping and a vague rustling sound. At times it seemed to be following me. 20 feet behind, then 10…then 5…the RUN! I discovered at least one person at the co-op who’d had the misfortune to be dumped upon, although he said it was a bracing and rather exhilarating experience. The paths weren’t cleared very well due to the downed branches and fast accumulation. I got what I needed, but Ross mentioned he needed onions. When I discovered he had cilantro, we decided to swap ingredients, as I’d been planning on a “Mexican Millet”. I trekked back home, got the onions and set off for our meeting place. I heard a beeping from the bakery, and fearing that a power outage had done something to the machinery, I went to investigate. I found out that the power had gone out and it was the attention alarm. I found out that the house Ross is at (with Bean) also had no power, except some back-up lights.

When I got back home I found mild chaos. The children have been quite whiney and cross lately, and this didn’t bring out the best in them. Plus, I kept having to shepherd people out of the kitchen. However, eventually the food was cooked and pronounced delicious and “Better than last time!” (oh, non-English-as-a-first-language-speakers…).

We had our neighborhood meeting (uneventful, but as hilariously quirky as usual) and then I found out about afternoon work being canceled as well. Luckily, housemom let me come with her and the children (very cranky…) into town to get to the library and to pick up a birthday present. The shop we needed was closed, but we went to another shop, a cafĂ© and the library.

Dinner went fine, and the evening was stretching on until the power went off. I found myself with one girl in my arms, another latched to my side –both screaming- while in search for the candles. After about 45 minutes, power was restored; as it turns out they were only shutting it down to repair elsewhere. Thanks for the warning…idiots.

Bean came over tonight (also needing refuge after a too-long and trapped day) and we spent almost 2 hours chatting. I find it hilarious that she also says “Meh”, “W00T”, and “anywho” – it’s one of those “We just have to be friends” harbingers. Although, I must say that MA is a novel state in which “padiddle” is a stripping game…

Hope all is well,


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